The Gift. In Minimal Books. In Polish. And freaking cool.
It is freaking coolness. Piotr Siwecki and his crew at MinimalBooks have translated our story The Gift into Polish and it is now available starting on page sixty of the October issue of MinimalBooks along with work by longtime friends and TBWCYL, Inc. favorites Corey Mesler and Peter Schwartz among others. We couldn't be more appreciative or floored by this and we most definitely hope you will take a look. If you interested in reading the story in English as well, it can be found in our collection Repetition Patterns or in its most original form in the most excellent THE2NDHAND. Big thanks to MinimalBooks and drinks on us for sure, somewhere, some time, soon, yes, maybe, wonderful.
Freaking cool indeed. But modesty does not prevent me from pointing out that, for the very first time, I predate you in a literary accomplishment - having a short story translated into Polish:
Freaking cool indeed. But modesty does not prevent me from pointing out that, for the very first time, I predate you in a literary accomplishment - having a short story translated into Polish:
True, that pales next to your four published books with a fifth on the way, but I have to wallow in my tiny victories whenever I can.
So noted sir, please feel free to wallow to your heart's content.
Alas, the wallowing pool was very shallow and quickly dissipated, returning me to bitter envy.
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