Friday, May 25, 2012

"The comparison might appear easy, borderline obvious to you, but I could definitively feel an influence of John Irving in Tanzer's prose." My Father's House gets Dead End Follies'd. And likes it. A lot.

Big thanks to the Dead End Follies and the Benoit Lelievre for some most kind, and moving, words about My Father's House. Drinks on us sir for sure wherever, and whenever, we next meet. And now for some excerpt. 

"It's deliberately structured to reward patience and I thought it was pretty clever. The evolution of the narrator's trail of thoughts doesn't appear evident if you read ten pages, but if you read forty or fifty, the transformation becomes noticeable. I appreciated this particularly because it's hard to render the concept of time passing in a book, while being fair to the reader. I thought Tanzer found a very creative way to do so. His chapters are short, but resonate with each other. It's textbook dialogism, I suppose but it's applied to such a minimalistic execution, it makes it beautiful and rewarding to read."

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