Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"These stories are packed with musings and observations that come with the pain of growing up." So Different Now gets Curbside Splendor'd. And likes it. A lot.

Big thanks to the Joey Pizzolato and our good friends at the Curbside Splendor for their most kind words about So Different Now. Drinks on us, for sure, when next we meet. Now, how about some excerpt? Word.

In the story “Never Said”, Tanzer sums up the dilemma we all face in trying to bury our past as we grow up: “It’s funny how quickly you can fall back into thinking about the mistakes you made.” And it is funny, in a way, because amidst all the fantasies of what could have been, or what should have been, the characters in these stories are left only with the realization that the present is reality.  And it is in this realization—and the different way each character reacts to it—that these stories find their meaning, transcending off the page and touching your heart in a way made possible only by Tanzer’s conversational and evocative style." 

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