The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
Writer. Thinker. All-around cool dude. Jason R. Riley is all of that and so it should be no surprise that he is a real favorite of ours here at TBWCYL, Inc. It also shouldn't surprise you then that we were very excited to see him launch his new blog The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, with its quite intriguing tag line - A Penny Cyclopædia for the Educated and Inquisitive, Illustrated with Wood-Cuts.That's right, wood cuts. Too cool. Now, do we think you just might want to take a look? Totally. Do we think it could very well change your life? For sure. Are we biased? Always. But should that stop you from taking a look? No, meanwhile, as a bonus Jason is re-running the interview we did during the Repetition Patterns virtual book tour last year and so you can get some of that as well. Cool, right? Right, and as a bonus, please feel free to enjoy the below excerpt from our interview before diving in.
JRR: Any final words of wisdom for the writers out there among us, preferably that one thing we’ve all been searching for, yet you’ve already discovered?
BT: I don’t think I know anything, not really, but I always feel that way. If anything, what I know is cliché, but I remain amazed how often I find myself saying it and people shake their heads in agreement. If you want to write, just write, don’t worry about audience or sales or publishing, just sit down, day after day, find your voice, get advice, write and rewrite, but keep at it, no excuses, you can’t be too tired, or scared or indecisive, don’t get bogged down in the best place to write or time, just force yourself to do it even if nothing happens, because something will happen eventually, it has to. I promise.
New blog is duly noted, and added to my RSS feed reader. Woodcuts are almost as cool as hand-operated hydraulic elevators.
Ahh, I've been on vacation and I just saw this. Thank you for the support, and sorry for the tardy response.
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