Orange Alert Press reading love, Songs of Insurgency and Joey Ramone.
Much awesomeness to touch on including, but not limited to the fact that last night was the inaugural Orange Alert Press reading at The Whistler and it rocked, big time, and for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was the killer line-up - the great local writer and terribly handsome Robert Duffer who read a new piece he's working on, the quite cool Stephanie Kuehnert author of the awesomely well-received novel I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone, read from her forthcoming novel Ballads of Suburbia, and maybe our favorite local live reader Spencer Dew read a new piece as well called Why I am a Catholic. So yes, quite happening, and yes, much newness going on, but we also want to take a moment to touch on two additional and not so tangential topics. First, we have finished engorging ourselves on the killer paranoia driven near tales of love lost, crushed and stroked that comprise Spencer's short story collection Songs of Insurgency and loved it to say the least, so go buy it, please, it just may change your life, and two, our book review/interview with Jew Punk Steven Lee Beeber author of the most excellent Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's and editor of the wonderfully tortured insomnia anthology AWAKE! which is titled If I could sleep, I would dream about Joey Ramone - you see the tie-in, right, nice - is now live and begging to be read, so we would be thrilled if you chose to read that too. Though no pressure or anything, we're just saying.
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