While we would be absolutely geeked just to have two readings coming up next month for "Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine," we are especially geeked about the flyers that have been created for the events, which obviously makes us, well you know geeks.
First off, we have the "Go Your Way..." book release party on September 6th here in Chicago at the DVA Gallery. For more information about the party you can go here and to get a look at Chris Szostek's killer flyer, please look above.
And second, we are way thrilled to be reading at Freebird Books and Goods in Brooklyn on September 28th and we want to express our gratitute to our most current best friend, New York writer and author of The Love Book Ken Wohlrob for his willingness to both arrange the reading and read with us.
We also want to thank Ken for the awesomely kick-ass job he did on the flyer for the event. To see that flyer please look below.
We hope to see you at one or both events and much appreciation to everyone involved for making them happen.
1 comment:
So, are you the jackass on the left, or the one on the right? I can't answer that question myself because, unlike Nick, I've never seen you with your shirt off.
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