Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Help feed my children. Strike a blow for the independent press. Lucky Man is live.

Hello all,
In a most blatant bout of self-promotion I am here to tell you that my debut novel Lucky Man is being released by Manx Media on March 1st and can now be pre-ordered on Amazon and at already dramatically reduced prices.
If copious amounts of indiscriminate sex, rampant substance abuse, and random acts of violence is not your thing, this may not be the book for you, but if you love The Greatest American Hero as I know you do, and if you want to help me prove the literary agent wrong who said that Lucky Man was "too literary," i.e., would not sell, this is our chance to prove to her that I am in no way capable of writing something any one would deem literary.
Now, please note, that I have no problem with you forwarding this to friends, and that if it helps I will be available for book readings, book clubs, and reading to your children at bedtime. Please also note, that I have attached a copy of the book's cover for your entertainment, as well pictures of my childrem who I am shamelessly counting on to help me move books.
Thank you in advance for your support, I hope this e-mail finds you well and I will leave you with the quote from the back cover of the book:
"When we awake we got anywhere Nebraska on the brain and visions of tripping in the Rockies dancing in our heads. We are only one day in at this point, but we have already settled into a steady diet of Pop Tarts, Twizzlers, bong hits, and the USA Today sports page."
Happy holidays.

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