Friday, January 2, 2015

"What We Talk About When We Talk About the Flood" is all After the Flood excerpt and the new kick-ass Mark Cronin joint The Heavy Contortionists.

And quite appreciative we are. So please do take a look and please don't hesitate to revel in the rest of the stellar line-up as well. Cool? Cool. Excerpt? Word.

"It is Bill, Jenna, Holly, and me and we are talking about love.

Actually, that’s not entirely accurate, what we are talking about is the flood. They say it is the storm of the century, and who are we to argue, especially when we’re talking about love, and have more important things to argue about anyway.

“Are we out of gin?” Holly says lifting the gin bottle in front of her, turning it upside down, and shaking it.

Holly is my second wife. 

Not that we are married, it’s just that we might as well be. 

Holly has these long, red ringlets of hair, it’s like fire, and she had been my receptionist, but I would go home at night after work, and all I could think about was seeing her hair draped across my pillow in the morning.

My ex-wife’s hair was fine, black as night and nearly translucent, but it didn’t look like fire, and that wasn’t going to work.

Plus, she didn’t drink."

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