Monday, November 11, 2013

New joint. Barely Breathing. At the Sundog Lit.

New joint indeed. And most thankful we are to the Justin Daugherty for running with our newest New York piece in the quite excellent new issue of the Sundog Lit. Excerpt? Word.

"So, we must go to the grave, in this weather, and we have to drive, in my car, though I am not driving. Jack must drive, he is the king, he is back, and this is what we must do, we must be in the car, doing what I don’t want to do, on roads I don’t want to be on, driving in weather I want to avoid.
“Where have you been Jack,” I say hoping to calm my nerves.
“Everywhere,” he says, “from the deserts to the oceans, the future and the past, to Mars and back.”
And maybe he has, he’s Jack, and who I am to question that?"

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