Sunday, January 8, 2012

"The frenzied pace of this highly entertaining story sucks the reader into this passion filled romp-of-a-story." The Terminator of Love receives some Goodreads love. And likes it. A lot.

Quite thrilled we are to see The Terminator of Love received some Goodreads love from the Brenda Brown Browne. Big thanks that and drinks on us, for sure, whenever, and wherever we next meet. Now how about some excerpt? Word.

"Should be required reading for all women considering dating and marriage. I was enlightened by the writer's willingness to expose the male psyche in all it's lustiness and vulnerability. The frenzied pace of this highly entertaining story sucks the reader into this passion filled romp-of-a-story. I could have saved myself years of angst and therapy if I only knew! I highly recommend it to everyone!" 

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