Sunday, December 18, 2011

"It's refreshing just as it is in film when life is told as it is and not put in a neat package." So Different Now gets The Local Tourist'd. And likes it. A lot.

Quite appreciating The Fem Geek Tiff Tate and The Local Tourist for their most kind words about So Different Now. Big thanks that. And drinks on us for sure when next we meet. Now, how about some excerpt? Sweet.

"Right from the beginning I was able to place myself in every situation. I was able to put faces to each character and had a sense I may have not been far off with my assessment. The stories are very straight forward and not formulaic like so many short stories that aim hard to give you what they believe you want, a moral story where everyone wins. I'm not saying that this is bad and I'm not saying these stories are not giving a moral stance but it's refreshing just as it is in film when life is told as it is and not put in a neat package. Tanzer just gives us what life has thrown at each I said REALITY."

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