Saturday, July 30, 2011

New piece. "We Were All Here." In the Fix it Broken.

Very excited to have a new piece "We Were All Here" in the Fix it Broken. The line-up is most kind including the xTx and Heather Fowler among others. And the Fashionable Fiction T-shirt designer is none other than the Ryan W. Bradley. The story is also one of a series of loosely connected Chicago stories we've been working on including "The Guy" in Smalldoggies, "Arousal" in decomP and "Taking Flight" in Metazen. Big happiness and some excerpt. Enjoy.

"We were all here, in Chicago at the dawn of a new decade, with a new president from our city. A president we had all watched march triumphantly into Grant Park after his victory was assured and briefly turn our second city into the center of the universe.

Obama was gone now though. Off to Washington to change the world. He hadn’t really ended any wars yet, however, and the economy was better, but what of the lack of real jobs, not to mention gay rights?

We didn’t talk about these things, he was gone, and we were all here, standing around the island in Frank and Bonnie’s kitchen."

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