Sunday, November 21, 2010

New 99 Problems interview at the Hella Sound. Hella awesome. And hella appreciated.

Hella thanks to John Frenette and Hella Sound for interviewing TBWCYL, Inc. spokesperson Ben Tanzer about all things 99 Problems. Hella drinks as well on us when next we meet. And now some hella excerpt.

Hella Sound: Right—endorphins are not to be underestimated. Which (as a non-scientist/endocrinologist) makes me wonder: how much do endorphins and exercise physiologically contribute to thinking functionality… I guess you being a writer/social worker and me being a musician/tech guy are the two wrong people to pose that question to. We need a neurologist, stat.

Ben Tanzer: We may be wrong, and I’m no expert, but there is a lift and there is happiness and at those moments anything seems possible, which is when the most opportune anything has a chance to occur. Some people don’t need a boost, some people find it in different ways, and I’ve done much of the latter, but running is a (mostly) surefire way to get there.

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