"I (expletive) busted my ass and pissed people off and gave your grandmother a free (expletive) ride on a bus. OK? I gave your (expletive) baby a chance to have health care. And what do I get for that? Only 13 percent of you all out there think I'm doing a good job. So (expletive) all of you."
- Rod Blagojevich on the voters who elected him, from a government wiretap recorded on Election Day 2008.
I kind of like it. Corruption, in the Blagojevich form, is largely harmless. Certainly much more benign than purity in the Kissinger/Nixon/Reagan form. I'll take a clownish guy who wants to enrich himself, yet creates programs like the Free Rides for Seniors and Universal Child Health Care, over a true believer, moral purist who wants to advance a destructive agenda that escalates war and enhances inequality.
Expletive you too, Rod. Don't forget to bring your soap-on-a-rope with you to the slammer.
I admired the intent of the children's health care plan, but the state clearly couldn't afford it. And the free public transit for senior citizens was a deeply cynical, poorly thought-out and totally political ploy to win votes from the AARP set - even my mom (who's liberal, in her eighties and can afford to pay for public transportation on her own) thought it was a stupid idea.
I kind of like it. Corruption, in the Blagojevich form, is largely harmless. Certainly much more benign than purity in the Kissinger/Nixon/Reagan form. I'll take a clownish guy who wants to enrich himself, yet creates programs like the Free Rides for Seniors and Universal Child Health Care, over a true believer, moral purist who wants to advance a destructive agenda that escalates war and enhances inequality.
he totally stole that from my high school class vice president speech.
Expletive you too, Rod. Don't forget to bring your soap-on-a-rope with you to the slammer.
I admired the intent of the children's health care plan, but the state clearly couldn't afford it. And the free public transit for senior citizens was a deeply cynical, poorly thought-out and totally political ploy to win votes from the AARP set - even my mom (who's liberal, in her eighties and can afford to pay for public transportation on her own) thought it was a stupid idea.
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