Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Masciotra. Tanzer. Springsteen. The Chicago Literary Scene Examiner Interview, Part One.

Robert Duffer and the Chicago Literary Scene Examiner are most graciously doing a two-part interview with TBWCYL, Inc. spokesperson Ben Tanzer and author David Masciotra in advance of our most epic appearance tonight at The Book Cellar. Please do take a look, please join us and please enjoy the brief excerpt from part one below.

EX: How did a guy who dissects political issues through the lens of pop culture hook up with a guy whose characters think pop culture?

DM - I discovered Ben's second novel,
Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine, at an exhibit on local authors at the Cultural Center. I was immediately drawn to Ben's book because of the Bob Dylan song title, and the evocative cover. Most Likely... is an insightful, funny, and evocative novel with well-developed characters and nearly flawless dialogue. I emailed Ben to give him my feedback, compliments, and encouragement. We started talking, he seemed very excited about my book, which at the time had just picked up a publisher. I'm thrilled to have his support and friendship. But, I am beginning to regret sharing a stage with the funniest guy in the world

BT - David is way too generous, but this is a friendship I have been thrilled to find myself in. It might be enough if he was only good-looking, smart and contrarian, but what’s especially exciting is his passion with progressive politics, the affects of isolation and his desire to be a champion for the downtrodden and oppressed. It’s really powerful stuff and it’s inspiring to be around. I would add, that I also think that we try to use pop culture in a similar fashion and even seek some of the same answers. While it’s true that on the surface, David may be more focused on politics and policy, while I am more focused on people trying to get laid, we are both trying to make sense of how people connect, or don’t; why people turn to drugs, drink or sex to cope or escape; and how hope can sustain us even when nothing else seems to be working.

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