This Podcast Will Change Your Life - Redux and Re-Release.
In essence MySpace sucks it. They bought imeem and our entire catalog of podcasts disappeared. Gone. Like really gone. After we recovered from the shock though, we thought maybe this is an opportunity, free stuff can be scary and more control would be nice. So, we connected with our new best friends at libsyn and we have now uploaded the entire series into a nice clean platform, with much bandwidth and the opportunity to access the iTunes universe, which is good when world domination is the goal. What does this mean for you though? Well, first off, it means This Podcast Will Change Your Life is back in business and better than ever. Take that MySpace. It also means that we have all new links, so if you have previously linked to one of these podcasts please make sure you are up to speed. Finally, we are just geeked to be looking forward after weeks of despondency and late nights, and so in celebration of our new platform and sunnier, less stressful, future, we have decided to re-release all twenty-two podcasts over the next two days beginning right now with Episode One, Walt Whitman Means Delicious, starring the Jason's, Pettus and Behrends, and the Ostdick, Nick Ostdick. Cool?
yes, i will listen to these. most of them, anyway. i'm already over committed in so many ways.
Have you considered taking off of work and possibly shutting down your blog for a few days?
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