Thursday, February 18, 2010

Free books. Fire Sale. Orange Alert Press. Dispatch Litareview. Walker Townsend. Goodness.

Our good friends at Dispatch Litareview have bought 10 copies of Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine and they have asked Orange Alert Press to give them away. For free. Yes, free. So, besides the fact that they are quite cool, there are books to be given away and Orange Alert is doing do so right now. Yes, like this very moment, so why not check it out. Meanwhile, to get you free book, you will need to do something to earn it, but what's life without a little give and take, yes? Yes. Finally, we also think that you may want to take a look at the new issue of Dispatch Litareview because it revolves around a new story by TBWCYL, Inc. favorite and This Zine Will Change Your Life contributor Townsend Walker. It's good stuff, and who knows, it just may change your life.

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