Fact, we are sort of mostly briefly dropping off of the grid this week. And so we sort of thought we should leave you with some stuff to read and/or contemplate during our time away.
Yes, we're just good like that.
First off, Stories II from the most excellent short story writer Scott McClanahan is due out soon. This is quite good news. The dude is the bomb. We loved Stories. And yes we love him as well and we are not embarrassed to say so.
We would add, that Scott has also recorded a piece from Stories II for the fine crew at Apostrophe Cast and it should be heard, so why not listen to it? They are even throwing in an interview for your reading pleasure. Enjoy.
The Nick Ostdick has a new piece titled True Hair up on STORYGLOSSIA. Yes, that STORYGLOSSIA. Please feel free to consume it. And yes we love him too.
Meanwhile, for the record, feel free to assume that all writers, and publishers, referenced going forward are loved by the staff here at TBWCYL, Inc. We say, so we don't have to sound repetitive. We also say this, because how many times can you say love something before it grows stale?
This is a no stale zone. Cool?
There is a fine interview with Ken Wohlrob at Emprise Review.
And we have alternative cover and pre-order action for the Fox Force 5 collection from Paper Hero Press. Very good.
Robert Duffer has a most excellent piece on the most excellent Jason Behrends and Orange Alert at Time Out Chicago.
The Collin Kelley has a conversation with singer Vannessa Daou at soldout.
We get to learn Mel Bosworth's Best of 2009 at the Big Other.
The J.A. Tyler's novella Inconceivable Wilson from Scrambler Books is now available for pre-order. Nice.
The Pete Anderson has a series of wonderful short story reviews at the Pete Lit including pieces by TBWCYL, Inc. favorites Spencer Dew, William Walsh and the always something Kendra Grant Malone.
David Masciotra has a killer piece on the progressive politics of Tim McGraw at the Daily Yonder.
And finally, Tim Hall brings us new Uplift the Positivicals. Can you say, Santa on the beach? We thought you could.
Thanks for the shout, sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar. Email me sometime. What's new?
Thanks for the mention of the interview with Vanessa. Hope you're having a good holiday season! Watch my blog this weekend. You'll be on it. :)
Scott is the bomb. Stories one took me out behind the middle school and bought me an ice cream cone, then felt me up and stole my book bag.
I'm okay with this.
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