Talking Heads: 77. Read now. Cool? Thanks.
The upside of a virtual blog tour of course is the endless focus on oneself and their work. This of course can also be a downside. For some anyway. And yes even for us here at TBWCYL, Inc. So, we are happy to take a moment and maybe even the next few days assuming we get approval from legal to riff on things other than our work. We will begin with a big shout-out to new friend and great writer John Domini and his book Talking Heads: 77 which we just finished. More than any other book we have read recently Talking Heads: 77 does a wonderful job of creating a sense of time, place and milieu, in this case Boston in the 1970's, all of which is filtered through a great, and even might we say, old-fashioned, in a good way, piece of storytelling rife with alternative weeklies, punks, crumbling marriages and political corruption. Its good stuff and we think you might just want to buy Talking Heads: 77 right now, well, we certainly think you might want to read it right now, and everything else John has written for that matter, because he's quite big-time. Meanwhile, for more insight into a truly interesting dude, way interesting in fact, we also encourage you to take a look at the two-part podcast John did with our good friends at CCLaP. Enjoy. And read. Listen. And enjoy some more. Cool? Great.
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