Much Pilcrow round-up awesomeness to cover and because we may have failed to do so sooner, much love to the way rocking Amy Guth and sublime Leah Jones for the hosting efforts and general Steve McQueen-like coolness in pulling all of this off.
So, in no particular order:
(1) The oddly serious panelist photo above can be found among others at helloleticia's Flickr account,
(2) Please check out these excellent dispatches from good friends Jason Pettus of CCLaP and Tim Hall of Does This Font Make Me Look Fat? fame, including footage - see below - from the very fun blogging panel that TBWCYL, Inc. spokesperson Ben Tanzer most humbly served on:
(3) Big sales at the "Re-built" books auction that totaled like $4000, which you can see here, including $65 for our re-built Lucky Man project - thank you, whoever you are, very cool, and
(4) Last, but not least Jason Behrends of the quite new Orange Alert Press formally announced that he will be releasing Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine in August, which is totally killer and also quite humbling to say the least. You can check out the "special announcement" at What To Wear During An Orange Alert here, and get a look at the current iteration of the cover below. To say we couldn't be more excited would be a gross understatement, so many thanks Jason, we are way geeked.
That's all for now.
Great news!
I can't wait to read the latest.
Was great to have you around this weekend at Pilcrow. Thanks for coming, and for this rad post.
Ben, I still owe you a real conversation about web stuff, but it was great to chat and see you at pilcrow.
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