Saturday, March 1, 2008

New "This Zine Will Change Your Life" Partnership, Take Two.

We are very excited to announce that we have officially added our second partner on "This Zine Will Change Your Life," the latest joint production of TBWCYL, Inc. and "This Blog Will Change Your Life." Good friend Jason Behrends of What To Wear During An Orange Alert fame has joined us as grand overseer of all things musical and it is now our plan to run both photos and music inspired by each piece we decide to run with. We are most excited about this new edition and expect to have much fun with all of it. We hope that you will have fun as well and we will let you know when we go live.


Anonymous said...

I call dibs on Philip Glass and Henri Cartier-Bresson!

TBWCYL, Inc. said...

Nice, we'll be in touch.