Sunday, March 9, 2008

More independent media love and craziness.

We were asked to attend a book release thing at the Book Cellar for Spencer Dew's new book Songs of Insurgency. We were asked to do so because we have been invited to participate in a top secret project that not only involves our recording Spencer and the funkadelic Nick Ostdick reading from their work, but an "introduction" from the Elizabeth Crane as well.

We think we mostly pulled it off and we would now like to share some additional reflections on the night with you, our loyal readers:

(1) We have said it before and we will say it again, the Spencer Dew reading experience is really something - check it out and then please go buy his new book,

(2) Kate Duva who also read seems to be quite wacked-out in quite a good way, so please check her out as well,

(3) Ms. Crane is as gracious, lovely and cool in person as she is the virtual world - she also has some very intense fans, but this we knew, and

(4) El Nick, he just gets shaggier and awesomer all the time.

But what of the top secret project, you ask? Stay tuned, because when it pops it will so change your life. For reals.

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