Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New piece "Goddess" at the Annalemma. Yes, that Annalemma.

Quite thrilled we are. We have a new piece titled "Goddess" up at the Annalemma and this we think is awfully cool. "Goddess" is part of a group of Binghamton stories written by TBWCYL, Inc. spokesperson Ben Tanzer inspired by and following the This Tour Will Change Your Life blog tour for Repetition Patterns. Other stories from this group include "So Different Now" at the Dogzplot and "That's It" at the CellStories. We think more are to come soon, but in the interim please do hit the Annalemma and for a brief excerpt please look below.

We’re in high school, its senior year and Jenny is a goddess, an untouchable goddess with a brown bob haircut, freckles, crazy green eyes and ridiculous soccer calves. Everyone wants her. Not just me, though maybe no wants her more than me, something she knows all too well."

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